8 Tangihua Street, Auckland CBD

8 Tangihua Street, Auckland CBD

AUCKLAND 8 Tangihua Street, Auckland LATTITUDE LOBBY  The renovation of 8 Tangihua Street has been a great success and has added considerable value to the building. The improved main entry and lift lobby, along with the common areas and café, will provide a...
Google Auckland Office

Google Auckland Office

GOOGLE AUCKLAND OFFICES Client: Alaska Interiors and WAM In a global first, Google has embarked on its first ever partnership with indigenous peoples for its new purpose- built workplace in Auckland, Aotearoa, New Zealand. Greenmount was responsible for making the...
Commercial Bay Parent’s Room

Commercial Bay Parent’s Room

AUCKLAND COMMERCIAL BAY PARENT’s Area COMMERCIAL BAY PARENT’S AREA Complete in July 2020 the area features thermoformed Corian changing tables made in-house by Greenmount and the use of Plytech’s Birch Up on the feature walls.  WE WERE RESPONSIBLE...
ANZ Sylvia Park

ANZ Sylvia Park

AUCKLAND ANZ SYLVIA PARK OFFICES ANZ SYLVIA PARK OFFICES Winner of 4 Resene Interior fit-out awards in the 2021 NZ Commercial Project Awards in-conjunction with Black Interiors and Warren and Mahoney, Greenmount was responsible for the supply and installation of the...
Ockham Kokihi

Ockham Kokihi

AUCKLAND OCKHAM KOKIHI OCKHAM KOKIHI ENTRANCE CARVING Complete in 2021 for Ockham, Greenmount was responsible for the 3 dimension machining of the reclaimed Kauri timber for entrances.  WE WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR: CAD Machining Files for 5 Axis Project Management 5 Axis...